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Pathways to Feminist Foreign Policy: Evidence & Implications for Advocacy | #CSW65 Parallel Session
Beyond the Concept: Feminist Foreign Policy in Action | #PPF22
The case for feminist foreign policy in Asia
Session 2 | Feminist Foreign Policy | Online Monsoon School | FES IMPRI #WebPolicyLearning HQVideo
Individual Papers Feminist Practice as a Pathway to Sustainable Development
Session 4 | Feminist Foreign Policy | Online Monsoon School | FES IMPRI #WebPolicyLearning LiveVideo
CSW66 - Opportunities for a Feminist Foreign Policy in the Indo-Pacific
Exploring 'Feminist' Foreign Policies - Toni Haastrup (University of Stirling)
Webinar: Paths to gender equality: the G20’s role in the spotlight (5.09.2023)
Evidence pathways to gender equality and food systems transformation
Gender & Foreign Policy: How Public Diplomacy Advances Equality
Toward a Feminist Foreign Policy in the United States